Now what?


Are you unsure where to go after you finish this season, or this year?

Have you looked up the words ‘What to do after yachting’, and come across no clear answer?

Do you hear and see people saying “this is my last season”, and they leave, and then you see them come back to the industry, because ‘things didn’t work, and it was ‘too expensive’?

It’s a change in our lives, and sometimes it can be a pretty big one. We are never really taught how to transition properly, in-fact theres a lot of life’s lessons that we are not really taught, and yet we are expected to do perfectly on first go.

I know this story well. 8 years in the industry myself and seeing numerous crew leave and then return, or being lost in my own confusion of whats next, and struggling to find answers - after many hours searching.

My best advice to you if you’re reading this, is get to know yourself first.

It doesn’t have to be when you are at the end of your tether of being at sea.

But truly get to know who you are. Know what you value, know what strengths you have and what you are good at doing - but more importantly what you actually love and enjoy doing.

Look at your current position - what aspects of it bring you the most joy? Flip that question around, what things do you feel like you wished you could do more of in your job, or where is lacking?

Once you clarify who you are and what makes you unique and special, it’s much easier to find a future career, or ideal life after yachting, rather than just trying to replicate your skills on land.

You may have spent many years (as I did), wishing you could be more ‘…x…’ (for me that was being creative, and helping more people grow and develop). That’s a huge clue, when you’ve got things you ‘wish’ you could do or be more of.

After understanding who you are you can start exploring and discovering careers where you could flourish, and then be excited to open up the next door; rather than feeling like it’s all.


If this article interested you, or you would like to explore more do get in touch.

I help people get really clear on who they are and what makes them unique, and then we discover what an ideal future would look like for you, and create an exit strategy to get you there.

For more info go to or find me on IG or FB @apetchellcoaching.

Book in for a FREE discovery call, where you can have a safe place to look at where you’re at and work out where to go from here.

Lets discover your inner compass and create your ideal life after yachting.