See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil, Be not evil

See no evil

Hear no evil

Speak no evil

And be not evil (this final one is used in some cultures).

There are different ways that anything can be interpreted, and I thought I would use my own interpretation of this.

So at this time

What is one change you are ready to make in your life?

  • Mine is to release some of that INNER CRITIC.

If some of you know me, then you will know how big and loud my inner critic can be. And to be honest. It's just that, a BIG, LOUD, ANNOYING inner critic.

But I thought the analogy of the 3 (+4) wise monkeys was a good one.

See no evil

At this time, what are you consuming visuallyAre you consuming a lot of tv, the news, or social media?

And what is that doing for you? For me when I spend time unconsciously consuming - I end up feeling a bit rubbish. I start getting into a state of comparison and not such a good place.

What could you do instead? Be present and aware when you consume things. Watch things that will improve your day, or be a positive influence on you, or if you are following people online - how could you use them as inspiration? Or, spend more time watching other things - ie nature, the birds, reading.

Hear no evil

Hear no evil

What are you consuming auditory wise?

Are you listening to or having conversations with people who get you down? Is there a constant stream of negative noise coming into your mind - ie the radio, or you are listening to podcasts that are getting you down?

How can you consume better?

Consume audio that lifts you up. Gives you energy or inspiration. Something that I am swearing by at the moment is BrainFM. This is music that works on brain waves and tunes into our neural pathways to get you in the zone. For me, I have found I am at my most productive when I have this on. Also, listening to podcasts that are inspiring, and are things I want to aspire to do myself or in my business (for myself at the moment - Don't keep your day job, by Cathy Heller is what I am listening to).

Speak no evil

Speak no evil

What are you talking about? What language are you using? Is it coming from a positive or a negative place? When we have a negative mindset, often what we then talk about is just that - negative. In the moment it can be easy to get caught up talking about all the problems that are occurring.

How could you shift this? Start having conversations that won't lead straight into a place of negativity. Or even start discussing other topics all together if you are speaking to others. Start acknowledging and saying things you are grateful for.

Be not evil

Be no evil

Can you lessen that inner critic, or that inner voice? When our thoughts are ruminating stories of negative self-talk, no wonder we feel rubbish. Our mind ends up controlling everything.

Be the best version of you!

How can you make sure your mindset is coming from a place of energy, and optimism. Being grateful for all the things we do have is a great place to start, and to be able to recognise what we value in our lives. Mindfulness practice - the ability to slow down and recognise what is happening is a really good place to bring us into a good state of mind.

So my question to you, is what are you going to start changing to make more of a positive impact on yourself?

Could it be what you consume, what you speak, or what's going on in your mind?
